Senin, 02 Juli 2012

Future, yes it is! REACH it, baby




Great place, Mom Dad and i'm SPEECHLESSSSS

Yes even though...I only know origami, minum teh, sakura, fuji haha. But i think this is great place too. Hope the future, sir! aamiin

 CHEESE!!! Haha first "thinking" yang muncul about this placeee. Nice, termasuk juga Kincir Angin yang katanya super guedee. Kan -_- want to be there wkskskwk

 EIFEL!!!! and also unforgettable thing that France is "towing mode" haha english ancur. Beautiful and great place, guys ^^ So interest to visit -Pariiiiis- ahaa, i'm coming in future yaa, wait me

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